April 14, 2019

I just wanted to be the girl who could run free through the meadows, hair wild with a big smile and big ambitions.

Where does that sense of adventure go and why do some days feel as though you're actually swimming (slowly) through treacle? I guess the answer is that we grow up and gain responsibilities on the way; children, careers and a mortgage, to name just a few.

I also think there's something far worse that creeps in and tries to steal away that sense of wonder. A self-destruct button that suddenly appears where none existed before. That button we press when we mindlessly scroll through Instagram (or other social media platforms) and compare ourselves, and our lives, in a negative way to people we often don't even know – why is she thinner than me? Why is her house "better"? And why oh why does she get to do cartwheels on a beach in Australia while I'm sat at my desk in Bristol? Life suddenly feels so unfair and loses all it's lustre. We forget to listen to the birds singing in the trees and admire the daffodils as we walk to work. We forget about all the little things that truly make up a beautiful life; our beautiful life. 


This is where I found myself a few years ago when Instagram first took hold. I thought it was going to be a great big adventure with a chance to gain legions of followers and likes. It didn't turn out that way. I was forever searching for that perfect photo to post. I was more interested in taking a picture of my perfectly created breakfast than actually eating it and, more importantly, I lost out on precious time in the real world (with my children) while I was 'busy' scrolling through the 'highlight reels' of all the Instagram celebs I wanted to emulate. I wanted that perfect handstand and I'd relentlessly pursue that to the detriment of everything else. I forgot that the journey is often far more important than the destination itself.

One day (not long after I had my second child), I decided to go cold turkey and quit social media. I felt like an outsider for a while, as though I was missing out on something shiny and glossy. However, I gained so much more. My perspective returned, I suddenly had time to do real things like run through meadows, fly a kite and draw or read (just for the fun of it). I also left the ideas of comparison and perfection (FYI this doesn't actually exist) far behind - we are all on our own unique journey – some days will be glossy and bright whilst others will be just a little bit grey (and that's OK!) The point for me was that social media became toxic and that was bad for my soul (that part of ourselves where we can still be a child and hold onto that sense of wonder at the world).

So, this evening, after a day at the office, I will pick up my children and dash home to make tea, without worrying about having to photograph any of it. After we're finished I'll put on some of my favourite Miss Matahari kit and do my chores like a boss before tackling an online ballet workout - yes, I'm a 37 year old who came to ballet a bit late in the day (and that's OK too.) Then later, when I'm all done, I'll sit down with my 2-year old and look up at the moon and that sense of wonder will be there again, for the both of us.

I'm not advocating leaving social media – I know that it can do wonders for a fledgling business as well as be a source of good and positivity (if used carefully and mindfully). However, if, like me, it becomes a source of pain and unhappiness, please be kind to yourself, and leave. Then, go run with the wind and smile at the moon.


Georgina (Mother, Lawyer, Free Spirit.)  xxx


Georgina has been a loyal Miss Matahari customer since the very beginning of the brand's journey. Despite no longer having a social media account, over the years she has provided us with many truly beautiful and inspiring photographs. Georgina is the epitome of a Miss Matahari woman - smart, capable, determined, and brave enough to follow her own heart and dreams. 


If you are interested in being a contributing writer on our blog, please send your suggestions into
We'd love to hear from you! (We cannot guarantee that all submissions will be replied to.) 



Top photo by Andressa Voltolini
Meadow by Jennifer Regnier
Little girl by Scott Higdon



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Also in NEWS


September 21, 2020

With what seems like a new stress or challenge coming at us every day, it stands to reason our clothes shouldn't be part of the problem. Yet wearing the wrong clothes can make us feel self conscious and uncomfortable, and exacerbate any body issues we already might have. That's why Miss Matahari clothing is cut to flatter, and work with your body, and essentially, make you feel AMAZING!

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June 21, 2020

In many parts of the world there's a huge stigma associated with menstruation, and young women are being subjected to shame, guilt and even bullying as a result. A fashion designer from Uganda has begun a campaign to educate women in her local area about menstrual hygiene and body positivity, whilst teaching them the necessary skill set to make their own sanitary products, and thereby changing their lives. 

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May 15, 2020

As the world slowly starts to emerge out of its pyjama/blanket clad cocoon, I wonder what we can take away from this unprecedented experience of Covid 19. What have we learnt? What will we miss? And what will we want to change moving forwards?

This global pandemic has affected so many people in negative ways, but still, somewhere amid the fear and uncertainty we have also seen hope, and the potential for a better and braver new world. 

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US/CANADA 2-4 4-6 8-10 10-12 12-14
UK/AUSTRALIA 6-8 8-10 12-14 14-16 16-18
ITALY 38-40 40-42 44-46 46-48 48-50
FRANCE 34-36 36-38 40-42 42-44 44-46
JEANS 24-26 26-28 30-32 32-34 34-36

Size Guide information - best viewed in landscape mode/on a larger screen.

The models in The Warrior Collection range from 5'5" - 5'9" in height and size 4-6 US (8-10 UK). They are all wearing our size S.

The main model in The New Frontier Collection is 5' 10" and a US size 2-4 (6-8 UK). Her bust is 34", waist 26" and hips 36.5". She is also wearing our size S. The petite model wearing some of the styles and accessories is 5' 3" and a US size 2. Her bust is 33", waist 25" and hips 39". She is wearing our size XS. If you fall into the petite category, you might find XS fits you better length-wise.  

Note on pants - The workout tights/capris in The Warrior collection fit a little larger than pants/leggings in The New Frontier collection, as they've been specifically designed to flatter all body types, with a slightly more generous cut on the thighs and around the waist. If you have very slim thighs, we recommend you go down a size in any of the Warrior collection bottoms. In general all of our pants are designed to accommodate curvy or muscular thighs. When in doubt, drop a size. 

We've also created all styles across all collections to fit a little longer on the sleeves and legs to provide more allowance for different shapes and sizes; not to mention we love the longer sleeved/legged look. 

If you have any queries on sizing, please drop us a line at and we'll be more than happy to discuss your specific requirements.